1.Centre for Waste Management

As a part of expanding its research wing Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to be University) with the joint initiative of the National Solid Waste Association of India (NSWAI) has established the Centre for Waste Management.Centre for Waste Management is involved in investigating the prospects of waste in any form for effective conversion into energy and value added products. To envisage the vision, the centre has involved itself in preparing the student community to enhance their career opportunities by involving them in Waste, Energy and Environment related projects.Read More
Contact: Dr. Dawn.S.S - [email protected]
2. Centre for Climate Change Studies

The Centre for Climate Change Studies (CCCS) was established in the year 2011 at International Research Centre (IRC) with the primary mandate of investigating the impact of predicted climate change on marine organisms associated to various ecosystems like coral reefs, seagrass meadows, seaweeds, intertidal zones and mangrove ecosystems etc.Researchers at CCCS have been actively working at Sathyabama Marine Research Station (SMRS), recently established at Rameswaram to encourage research on cutting-edge marine ecology and climate change to sustainably use, manage, and conserve natural ecosystems for the benefit of the coastal communities of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay regions.Read More
Contact : Dr. S. Prakash - [email protected]
3. Centre for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics

Centre for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics (CRSG) has been established in Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology campus in the year 2004, to fulfill the goal of establishing advanced centre’s in frontier areas of Science and Technology. The Centre is a joint initiative with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Government of India and Sathyabama University. This Centre was inaugurated by Dr. Kasturirangan, the then ISRO Chairman and Secretary of Department of space, Government of India. CRSG possess a team of Scientist in various fields like Agriculture, Coastal studies, Environmental and forest, Water resources, Urban, Climate studies and Aerial Photogrammetry. CRSG has been involved in societal welfare through awareness and training programs.Read More
Contact : Dr. B. Sheela Rani - [email protected]
4. Centre of Excellence for Energy Research

The Centre of Excellence for Energy Research (CEER) funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India was inaugurated by His Excellency Dr.A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India on December 9th, 2014 in the august presence of Dr.JEPPIAAR, Founder and Chancellor of the Sathyabama University. This Centre of Excellence was generously funded by MHRD, under the scheme of Centre of Excellence in the Frontier Areas of Science and Technology (FAST) for the establishment of “Centre of Excellence for Energy Research (CEER)” to promote research activities in the area of Solar Photovoltaic, Fuel Cells, Supercapacitors, and Bio-energy etc.Read More
Contact: Dr.P. Kuppusami - [email protected]
5. Centre for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Centre for Earth & Atmospheric Sciences established in the year 2010 at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (with joint initiative of Indira Gandhi Atomic Research (IGCAR) & India Meteorological Department (IMD) in accordance with the goal of establishing the Centre of excellence in frontier areas of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Atmospheric Science has emerged as an important branch of science in recent times because of its increasing recognition and the need for better forecasting of weather and climate to meet the exigencies of the threats due to natural calamities and manmade impact of the environment. The Centre has well equipped with 50-meter Meteorological tower and Automatic Rain gauge station to give a wide exposure to the society and for the academic research. The Centre for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences has a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified Scientists in the area of Meteorology, Earth Science, Remote Sensing and GIS, Simulation Modeling, Agriculture, Environmental studies and air-pollution studies. ..Read More
Contact : Dr. B. Sheela Rani - [email protected]
6. DST FIST Sponsored Materials Research Lab

Post Graduate and Research Department of Physics has been identified by the DST (SR/FST/PSI- 193/2014) for support under the FIST programme in the year 2014. The ongoing research covers both Theoretical and Experimental Condensed matter physics that includes the thrust areas viz., ab-initio band structure investigations, Crystallography, synthesis of nano materials/thin films/composites, Crystal growth and characterisations, Radiation physics, Ultrasonic and Dielectrics. In addition, the department offers summer training programs/workshops/certific ate courses on materials research and its characterisation, modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. The department carryout funded R&D projects of various agencies and is offering consultancy services to academic institutions and research organizations.
Contact : Dr.S.Ravichandran - [email protected]