Sathyabama Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in 2007. The IQAC has been reconstituted as per the guidelines of NAAC and UGC for successful implementation of quality enhancement initiatives recommended in the review meetings, feedbacks, and periodic audits to ensure quality improvement and sustenance towards promoting holistic academic excellence.


  • To improve academic and administrative excellence by institutionalizing a culture of quality..


  • To promote and implement quality improvement measures in the key performance areas through planned interventions and strategies.
  • To develop a standard procedure and methodology for every quality initiative.
  • To co-ordinate and document all the quality initiatives and ensure its effective implementation
  • Formulation and application of quality benchmarks
  • Determination of key parameters for academic and administrative activities
  • Dissemination of quality parameters to all stakeholders
  • Fostering to create a learner-centric ecosystem with participatory teaching and learning process
  • Collecting feedback on quality-related processes from all stakeholders
  • Follow up activities after feedback analysis
  • Organizing events specific to quality-related themes
  • Serving as a coordinating node to implement best practices
  • Updating and maintenance of database
  • Conducting periodical academic and administrative audits with follow up activities
  • Preparation towards Rankings and Accreditations
  • Preparation and submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)
Distinctiveness and Best Practices
Awards and Recognitions
Self Study Reports
Visiting /Adjunct professors
Employee Grievance Cel
Contact Us


Dr. Anima Nanda, Ph.D., FNRS, FIAS, FAB

Dean, IQAC

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

(Deemed to be University)

Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai

Chennai - 600119, Tamilnadu, India.

Contact Number:+91 6381879488