Founder Chancellor

Sathyabama was established with the vision to provide quality higher education to all. Sathyabama was built on the foundation of strong values, discipline and producing technical manpower to the society. The Vision was to bring the Institution to the fore in the national and International arena. As a pioneering Higher Education institution in the country, Sathyabama has always been an Institution par excellence contributing to the social and economic development of the nation.
Dr. Jeppiaar, the Founder Chancellor of Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology is a self-made man. Having served the society in various capacities as an Administrator in Government and Politics in early days, he dedicated the latter part of his life to the cause of education. He has established Sathyabama Engineering College in the year 1988, with the aim of providing opportunity to deserving students to pursue engineering education, during a period in which engineering education was a far-fetched dream for many.