
S.NOFormsPh.D. (PDF Format)Ph.D. (Word Format)
1Procedure to be followed for Ph.D Programme.
2Application form
3Form for ID
4Minutes of First DC Meeting
5Semester Progress Report (Form 1)
6Details of the Ph.D Scholar
7Application for Regular course work registration (Form 2)
9Coursework Hall Ticket
10Application form for Supervisor recognition (Form 3)
11Approval form for the change of subject for research scholars (Form 5)
12Check list of fee details of Research Scholar prior to Comprehensive Meeting (Form 7)
13Minutes of Second DC Meeting Comprehensive Meeting
14Request for Extension
15Minutes of Extension meeting
16Form for verification of Faculty for award of Ph.D degree
17Checklist Prior to Synopsis meeting (Form 8)
18Check list while submitting Ph.D Synopsis (Form 9)
19Minutes of Synopsis Meeting
20Manual for Preparation of Synopsis
21Manual for Preparation of Thesis
22Panel of Indian and Foreign Examiners (Form 13 A & B)
23Check list while submitting Ph.D Thesis (Form 10)
24Application form for Similarity Index check of Article
25Application form for Similarity Index check of Thesis
26Proceedings of viva voce meeting and instructions
27Check list while submitting the proceedings of the viva voce Examinations (Form 11)
28Application for Convocation (Form 12)
29Requisition for Conduct of DC Meetings
30For applying Course Completion Certificate - (Form 15)
