Dr. R.Narmadha - Mechatronics

Dr. R.Narmadha is currently a Head of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology. She has completed her Master's degree in Mechatronics Engineering with Distinction from Kongu Engineering College, Anna University, in July 2007. She has finished her Ph.D with the research title ‘Performance Analysis of Security Protocols in Wireless LAN-UMTS and LTE-WiMAX Environment’, Faculty of Electronics Engineering, Sathyabama University, in January 2017. She is a Life Member of professional bodies like the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), IEI, IAENG, and IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. She has more than 20 years of experience in academics.

  • Played a significant role as an editorial member and reviewer of several reputed journals. She has published Book and Book chapters in international and national journals and conferences.
  • Recognized as an active organizer in conducting sponsored FDP in association with IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (From 2020 onwards) and ISTE Society /Organized Distinguished Lecture programs, and so forth.
Awards & Recognitions
  • Awarded with the title ‘Mid-career research service in engineering’ on 17th of April 2019 at IC2AIS’2019 organized at SCIS, SMU University, Singapore.
  • Obtained the Certificate of Appreciation-Reviewer from IEEE-Bangalore section, Second Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT),2021.
  • Ensured continued professional development by bagging the Best Paper award, ICCPET, Srinivas University, Mangaluru,2020, and NCEVENT, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,2021.
  • Worth mentioning to have papers published in High Impact Journals and Funded Research Projects at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, in 2021 and 2022.
  • H index 8, Scopus publications: 49, Scopus citations 161, Web of Science Publications: 15, i-10 index-3
  • Currently guiding 4 Research Scholars and produced one doctorate under her supervision at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology. She is also a recognized Doctoral committee member for Anna University.
  • Completed consultancy project on ‘Embedded Software Development’, 2023, NEEVEE Technologies Ltd., Chennai
  • Completed Seed Money Project titled ‘Automation in Aquaculture’,2019.
  • Completed a research project sponsored by DST-Exhibition on Science and Technology,2022.
  • Research project recommended by the Department of Science and Technology under TIDE entitled, ‘Development of Regional Based Palatal Device for Speech and Language Impairment’, 2024.
  • Research project recommended by Ministry of Earth Sciences (Moes), New Delhi, entitled ‘Metagenomic Profiling of Bacteriorhodopsin gene from deep-sea sediments and expression studies for sensor development’ cost of Rs. 88,91,072
Area of Interest
  • Her areas of research include Network security, Deep Learning and Neural Networks, Signal and Image processing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and IoT and Embedded systems.

HOD, department of Mechatronics Engineering,
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to be University,)   
Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai,
Chennai - 600 119.

Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
E-mail: m