Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is functioning in order to deal with the issues of Sexual harassment, Gender based violence and also to conduct gender sensitization programme. ICC takes up the complaints related to aforementioned cases, investigates, counsels and recommends disciplinary action as per the relevance of the seriousness of the complaint. The committee takes minimum of 2 to maximum of 5 working days to investigate and report the issue brought into the notice by the complainant. This committee tenure is 3 years and members are supposed to convene periodical meetings twice in a year and as on when it is necessary.
The composition of ICC, reconstituted in June, 2022 is as follows:
1. Dr.L.Lakshmi, Professor, Presiding Officer
2. Dr.V.J.K.Kishor Sonti, Professor, Department of ECE
3. Mrs.Vanitha. S – Sr.Faculty Member
4. Ms.Shakeela, Non-teaching Staff – Member
5. Mr.A.Manickavel, Non-teaching Staff - Member
6. Ms.Punitha, NGO, MAATRAM Foundation – External member from NGO
7. Ms J Anjana Shree – Student Member, UG
8. Ms. Sivashankari K – Student Member, PG
9. Mrs. G Shimi Christy - Research Scholar
- To prevent sexual harassment and deal with the issues related to it with prompt and impartial investigation
- To create awareness and promote gender equality among employees and students
Responsibilities of Committee Members:
- Proactive initiatives towards ensuring the respect of women in the campus
- Conducting awareness programs towards gender equality to address gender bias and insensitivity through various modes such as seminars, events, announcements in forums and poster display
- Examining all the sexual harassment and gender discrimination related grievances with utmost integrity and self-discipline
- Assisting administrative authorities with suggestions / inputs/ recommendations in updating policies / rules and regulations pertinent to handling sexual harassment and gender related issues in the institution
- Investigating, analyzing and recording the grievances related to sexual harassment and gender discrimination
- To recommend punitive/disciplinary action against the guilty to Management / Administrative Authorities of the institution within stipulated time period
- UGC Circular - Click Here
- https://saksham.ugc.ac.in/
Home/Downloads - Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace - Click Here
- Shebox : http://www.shebox.nic.in
- Reconstitution: Click Here
- Policy : Click Here
Contact Us : [email protected]